


My name is Kayla, I'm a 30-something working single mother to a 14yr old son, caretaker for a disabled mother, and furbaby mom to a cat (Artemis) and dog (Roscoe)-- both pictured here! I am also writer, a roleplayer, and a consumer of all sorts of media.If you'd like to go on this journey with me as I explore my hobbies, expand my skills, & work to make myself a better person, feel free to use any of the contact points on this page!


I occasionally pretend to be a multitude of characters from various types of media on the internet.This hobby is one part collaborative fan fiction, one part playing Barbies, and all parts fun!You can find me on DreamWidth, if you'd like to chat more in-depth or see the characters I play!

Blogging & Writing

Blogging is a brand-new venture of mine, starting in January 2024! I've decided to start a review blog on WordPress. I've never written a blog and I am not entirely sure what I'm doing, but I'm gonna give it a go anyway!I also intend to put out a story of my own one day! Maybe a novel (I have participated, to varying degrees of "success", in NaNoWriMo every year since 2018), maybe a podcast (I have such a mad love for this medium and I'm considering shifting to it to give it a shot myself), maybe something else.The future isn't found on a linear path, but I'm excited to see where the one I'm traveling takes me!

Other places to find me